Montag, 2. Dezember 2024

batch cwXXII sold out at source!

cw68 pjs - spirals

cw69 tim six - equalizier

are sold out at source. to get your copy please contact the artists:


 tim six

my "novellen" tape  is still available at the cw bandcamp:

 many thanks for your support!


  günter schlienz - novellen (c66)

  "Eine Novelle ist eine Erzählung von kürzerer bis mittlerer Länge. Oft wird darin ein Konflikt zwischen Chaos und Ordnung beschrieben. Erzählt wird in der Regel ein einziges Ereignis, daher kommt auch der Ausdruck, die Novelle sei der Singularität verpflichtet. " (wiki)

 klänge schweben im raum und leuchten, zeigen den gedanken den weg. der autor hört zu, introvertiert, nicht einsam, und schreibt vom heimweh und über das glück.


home-dubbed in real time.
design by cosima pitz.

limited to 60 hand-numbered copies.


 tim six - equalizier (c62)

 "side a is my most useful soundtrack to listen in bed, usually i pass out by the middle of it. although originally i made it for breathing exercise, when you make breathe in and breathe out equal in duration and do a short hold between them. hence the 1st track name. side b is more dreamy (i guess), just sine waves and some minimal effects, pretty sleepy too =) hope you will enjoy it!" (tim six)
traumhafte musik auf kassette. kaufen! 


home-dubbed in real time.
design by cosima pitz.

limited to 60 hand-numbered copies.


 pjs - spirals (c50)

 jordan and patrick know how to rock a spaceship. they are emitting sounds while the stars around them twinkeling, pulsating drones fill their capsule, the gear in their gloved hands is emitting soothing sounds. floating free and weightless in their space costume, while wondering about timelessness, they feel numb from their head to their toe, but happy as space seagulls eating biscuits at dawn.

come and join pjs to explore the outer and the inner space. go and buy the tape, you already know it is worth it.


home-dubbed in real time.
design by cosima pitz.

limited to 60 hand-numbered copies.

Sonntag, 5. Mai 2024

twenty-first batch sold out!

thanks to all those awesome people out there 

batch XXI with tapes from fratar, RNL and henning pertiet 

is sold out.

to buy your tape please contact the artists directly:

for cw64 write henning pertiet an enail.

for cw65 please visit or write jesse farber an email.

for cw66 please write frank prager an email

many thanks for your support!



fratar - terrain (c46)

zarte synthmelodie zum mitpfeifen, drunter die rhythmusmaschine zum mitschunkeln, drauf die orgellinie mit geschlossenen augen. musik zum niederknien. hat hier jemand cluster gesagt? warum auch nicht, wenn alle davon träumen?!


home-dubbed in real time.
artwork by silvana llieva.
limited to 40 hand-numbered copies.


RNL - the living things (c58)

jesse farber's deep dive into world's strangeness. klaustrophisch dröhnend, minimalistisch rasend. beware! loneliness inside. aber es gibt immer noch die ekstase. hurray!


home-dubbed in real time.
artwork by silvana llieva.
limited to 40 hand-numbered copies.